Interview with Speakers’ Spotlight
Developing Professionalism in Informatics (DPI) in Ottawa
How B2B Distributors can Compete with Amazon Business
English AOTB2B DIStributors, amazon business, compete against amazon, beat amazon, beat amazon business, crush amazon, amazon b2b, platform, Platform, platforms, Exponential technologies, platform revolution, Platform Economy, platform economy, Platforms, keynote speaker, future of work, female speaker, Transformation, female keynote speaker, network effects, exponential organizations, digital innovation, digital transformation, women speaker, woman keynote, growth, network effect, innovation, lital marom, LITAL marom, lital, lital forbes, lital Marom keynote, speaker, scale, real estate platform, future of banking, future of banks, future of real estate, Walmart growth, jet platform, disruption
How Can Leaders Leverage Trends For Success In 2019?
Bigger than Us | TED 2019
Motion Industries Canada | Annual Sales Meeting in Whistler
CIBC’s Wealth Management Executive Council Conference
The Future of Real Estate
English AOTLITAL marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, lital, lital marom, future of real estate, real estate platform, platforms, platform economy, digital innovation, digital transformation, speaker, keynote speaker, female speaker, female keynote speaker
The Future of Banking
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital, lital forbes, LITAL marom, future of banks, future of banking, Platform, Platform Economy, platforms, platform economy, Platforms, platform revolution, speaker, digital innovation, digital transformation, female keynote speaker, female speaker, Transformation, innovation, network effect, keynote speaker, keynote, Exponential technologies, exponential organizations
How can Banks Re-imagine their Business?
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, lital, LITAL marom, Platform, platforms, Platform Economy, platform economy, platform revolution, Platforms, speaker, scale, keynote, keynote speaker, future of banking, future of real estate, female speaker, female keynote speaker, digital transformation, Transformation, network effect, digital innovation
Unlocking The Soft Skills Within Your Workforce (And Why It Matters)
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, lital, LITAL marom, Platform, platforms, Platform Economy, keynote, keynote speaker, female keynote speaker, female speaker, future of work, Transformation, innovation
How Regulations Could Determine The Future Of Innovation And The Gig Economy
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, LITAL marom, lital, Platform, platforms, Platform Economy, platform revolution, speaker, scale, Transformation, future of work
Democratizing eCommerce in Brazil!
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, lital, LITAL marom, platforms, Platform, Platform Economy, platform revolution, speaker, female speaker, female keynote speaker, future of work, digital innovation, digital transformation, exponential organizations
PWC Canada | Forces Changing the Future
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, LITAL marom, Platform, lital, platforms, Platform Economy, platform economy, Platforms, platform revolution, scale, speaker, future of work, future of banking, female speaker, future of banks, female keynote speaker, future of real estate, Transformation, network effect, Exponential technologies
Speaking at Club El Nogal in Bogota
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, lital, LITAL marom, Platform, platforms, Platform Economy, platform economy, Platforms, platform revolution, scale, speaker, Transformation, female speaker, future of banking, future of work, future of banks, digital transformation
Regulations will determine the Future of Businesses & Innovation
English AOTlital marom, lital Marom keynote, lital forbes, LITAL marom, lital, female keynote speaker, female speaker, Platform, platforms, Platform Economy, platform economy, Platforms, platform revolution, speaker, Exponential technologies, exponential organizations
Zooming into LATAM's CIO Forum
Oct in Montreal!
Brazil's CEO Forum
What are your KPIs and metrics for success?