The Power of Intent


Some of you will have noticed a sudden gap in my online presence. Over the past few weeks, my body forced me into a retreat from the outside world. Maybe that’s putting it too mildly – I just underwent a major surgery, due to a medical emergency that not everyone survives (nothing related to COVID-19). I had to drop everything and set my intention on healing. 

I will expand on this at a later time, but for now I can say that there is always the opportunity for learning in all things; and this near-death experience brought the power of intent to life for me. 

This is not a power-of-positivity post, exactly. It’s not even a “you can do it!” or a “dig deep” post. These things feel shallow when you’ve just been through a near-death experience. However, I believe that my ability to heal came from a place of strong mental determination. Not from “believing” but from “knowing”.

We are all experiencing so many challenges on so many levels at the moment, where some of you are using your willpower to deal with obstacles, you could be drawing on a much deeper internal force -“knowing” – on intent.

Intent is not intention. Intent is the force that life uses to create our entire universe. Most of us think of intent as intention, but it’s not so. An intention is something that we are aiming to do or accomplish, propelled by willpower. Intent, on the other hand, is a conscious act involving will. Channeling intent is not about thinking or wishing; it is a feeling that comes from deep inside us and it is so overwhelming with purpose and focus that we KNOW there is no other possibility that could conceivably manifest in our reality.

I left the hospital not with exhaustion but with hope and with gratitude for the power of what my body and mind are capable of doing.

I look forward to sharing the upcoming talks I have lined up this month and projects for this fall. I am so grateful to do work that I LOVE. I want to thank wholeheartedly everyone who follows my work! Your support means so much to me.

Willpower and intent are not the same thing. I hope you’ll track with me in the upcoming months to learn why. 


English AOT